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Colorado Springs, Colorado
We love to keep our friends and family updated with recent happenings, travel, and most importantly, pictures of the girls! ENJOY!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Frohe Ostern Party :)

This morning (April 9th) was Julian's Easter Party at school...the Germans say "Frohe Ostern". We gathered in the garten(the playground) for a couple of songs and an Easter Basket hunt, then moved back into the classroom for a wonderful brunch with lots of German goodies! It was a very fun morning and a great way to kick off her Spring Break! Enjoy the photos!

1 comment:

Lyndsay Almeida said...

rachel, is she getting in trouble in that 3rd picture?! it's really cool that your girls are being exposed to so much culture. before you know it, they'll be talking about you in rob in german-haha!