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Colorado Springs, Colorado
We love to keep our friends and family updated with recent happenings, travel, and most importantly, pictures of the girls! ENJOY!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I ran my first 10K (6.2 miles) on Saturday, 17 July...what an experience!!! Thankfully two of my best buds ran with me, and we cheered each other on from start to finish! After a short recovery break, training begins for the Army 10 Miler in October!

Pre -Race check list :)

All smiles, even though it was 615 AM!!!
3 "Bad Mother Runners"

I was EXHAUSTED at the finish!

Wine at 830 in the morning....why not?

My official results...not bad for my first time!



twinsplusone said...

Great job girl! love the shirt too!

Beth said...

Congrats!! I am working up to a 1/2 Marathon in February. Seeing another mom reach her goal is very inspiring. Congrats to you!!